Thursday, July 27, 2017

The latest update on Chuck, BB1's progress with his fight with liver Cancer.

At this point Chuck has decided to stop taking the Cancer drug. It made him deathly sick and made his life unmanageable.  He's felt a lot better going it without treatment. His last report showed that his numbers had actually improved, which is unusual. He believes it's his Superman Powers, that are fighting the Kryptonite. He also believes Passionology, is the secret to fighting his deadly opponent.

To counteract the negative effects of Cancer, he's continuing with his projects and not backing down.

Here is quote directly from Chuck.  "The 2018 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider will be my personal Exotic Supercar Track Toy. The other car is a Porsche 2017 911GT-3 Cup Car for the Track to be leased from my Company REEEEEL RACING to SPEEDVEGAS. My Company will supply Race Cars for SPEEDVEGAS every eighteen months or so. A Big 15th is coming OH YEA!   XXX/OOO  BB1." 

Besides that, he wants to recreate from scratch the original 1930s Maybelline truck just for the fun of it and cruise around with me.

These are lofty Aspirations, but, his DNA is loaded with Aspiration.  I will keep you abreast of his business plans, his health and his Passions.  

Keep the Good Vibrations coming his way.  We love you BB1.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

BB1, with his Indomitable Good Vibrations and Positive Spirit is standing up to his Cancer like a Champion

It's been two months since my last post on Chuck's blog. He's continued to stay true to his Superman persona and fight his vulnerability to Kryptonite, his "Full Fry."  

Chuck is a born fighter and like a true Warrior he has Passion and Positivety in his DNA. He doesn't back down. Where others might back down to the challenges of life and death. He's a Pit Bull and will fight to his last breath. In BB1's case he has lived the life of all good things for all. Now, it's the other side of the challenge. He's relying on his overwhelming inner strength and his Spiritual Mind over Matter. 

In the last month, his Doctor's at UCLA, told him that the TheraSphere they blasted his liver tumor with, didn't do what they expected or hoped it would.  They sent him home with some cancer pills and said, these might prolong your life. However, there is nothing more we can do. With 52 horrible side effects, Chuck suffered the tortures of the damned, yet never complained of terrible pain, water retention and nausea. He continued his passion for his cars and even ordered a new Alfa Romeo, for more Passionology. He coined a new word, PASSIONOLOGY and calls himself a PASSIONOLOGIST.  He believes that if he keeps his Passion ignited he can overcome any negative outcome.

In the last three days, his Spirit has been tested to the limit. He's had food poisoning like symptoms, extreme swelling, pain in his groin and feet and nausea. He had decided to stop the cancer pills and live his life. His Doctors want him to continue. He's at a crossroad. A life and death decision. But, through it all he's remaining positive and staying as active as he can. 

Continue holding him in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you posted as the RACE TO THE FINISH LINE CONTINUES.