Monday, November 20, 2017

Chuck Williams, BB1, lived a life of Passion, He lived a good life...No, he lived a great life.

After 19 months of fighting like a Champion, in the ring with Cancer, Chuck Williams, BB1, was taken down at 4:47 pm. Sunday  11-19-17.  He lived his life the way he wanted up until his last breath, doing what he loved the most. Being with his brother Jim Williams, at a Car Show.

Chuck and Penelope
Chuck started Immuno Therapy, 11 day's before his death. He had told me he was scared to try a third trial after suffering such horrific side effects from the first two. But, he said, he would never stop trying to do whatever was available to buy him more time. He said, "this trial will either extend my life or kill me. it's the title fight". We believe there's a possibility that's what brought about his untimely death. 

Chuck was dealing with tremendous pain. He was doing heavy pain meds to try and keep doing what he loved. He was waiting for his Alfa 4C Spider, to arrive from Italy, and had reservations for the Barrett Jackson Car Show in Scottsdale in January. He refused Hospice and got up everyday to do his life. He didn't live to see his beautiful red Alfa, or go to the events he had planned.

Jim and Chuck

On Friday November 16th, Jim, against his wishes, drove Chuck to Palm Springs, for an all weekend car show. They enjoyed the pre-show that day and Chuck had fun scooting around in his electric scooter, making jokes and talking to the people. He said to Jim, "did you bring your checkbook bro, you may want to buy something." That night he began to suffer shortness of breath and extreme pain. By morning he was  so bad he couldn't talk to me on the phone. They didn't go to the big Saturday car show. Saturday night, Chuck looked and sounded so bad. Chuck said, "I'm going."  Jim called 911 and Chuck was admitted to Desert Hospital in Palm Springs. The last thing he said to Jim was, "I guess this is it Bro."  Jim, grabbed his shoulders and said, "No this is not it."  Chuck was incubated and became unresponsive.  He could no longer breath on his own. He had actually drowned in his own fluid.

Chuck's girlfriend of 17 years, Penelope, called me at 9:30 am Sunday morning. She was heading to Palms Springs, from Santa Barbara.  I told her I'd leave Laguna Beach and meet her there. Jim met us and took us to ICU see Chuck. He was very yellow, but his beautiful face looked like a much younger man to me. However, his body was very swollen with fluid. His liver had failed and his lungs had filled with 30 pounds of fluid. He would never breath on his own again. 

My daughter, Georgia, called and asked to have the phone put up to his ear. She proceeded to give the most heartfelt goodbye to her uncle Chuck. So much so, we all broke down and cried. She asked if her dad, could say goodbye as well. Gene's sincerity and love for his friend of 47 years made as weep even harder. My sister Donna, sent a Beach Boy song "409" and made a little video of his life for us to share. It was thick with emotion in the room, to the point of fainting.

Jim made the call to take him off the life supports. But, my sister Billee Williams, asked us to wait until she got there to say goodbye. When she arrived, she asked us to hold hands around Chuck's bed. With all her Spirit, she prayed, lifting her beloved cousin up into the arms of Jesus. By now, we were all bonded as one loving energy around Chuck, as they removed the breathing tube. Though his heart beat was strong, the morphine slowed it down and after a half hour he let go.  He took his last breath surrounded by love.

I woke up this morning with a huge void and sense of loss. Yet, my first impulse was to call Chuck and review the incredible experience. I will miss my Superman everyday. He was like no other. He ran the race and finished a Warrior. Ancient Greeks would say after one died. "Did he live his life with Passion? Not what did he do in his life, or was he successful. If the answer was yes, they would say, "he lived a good life." 

Chuck lived a good life. a great life. He was a true Passionology Ninja, here to teach others the real meaning of life. He lived it to the fullest with a smile on his face and a spark in his eye, no matter what was happening in private. We should all live by his example and ask ourselves, "are we living with passion." If the answer is yes, then we can say we are living a good life.

Rest in Peace my Darling Cuz. You will be remembered as being THE GREATEST!!!
Please enjoy a video Memorial of Chucks life. Click on speaker in left corner for music. Click arrow to start and if it stops click to keep pictures moving until you get to the yellow racing car on the track.

Lovely comment from Mike Love's daughter, Melinda Love

As Mike love’s daughter I have been approached countless times by people asking me to let my dad know that they are The Beach Boys’ “biggest fan”. I always smile and say thank you. But you all know as well as I do their biggest fan was Chuck. BB1. Chuck was a fixture in our little world for as long as I can remember. And he will be deeply missed. ❤️ Melinda Love
Page Liked · November 21 

Today, one of my best friends, Chuck Williams, lovingly known to many as BB1 (Beach Boys’ #1 fan), passed away. He was an enormous, wonderful friend and a great fan. He even had a Beach Boys shrine in his home. I will truly miss him and the indomitable, passionate spirit he brought to life.
Peace & Love,

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Chuck believes his Passionology and love for his fleet of cars is what's keeping his Spirit up in this battle for his life

It's been about 6 weeks since the Chuck Report.  In that time he started and quit another Cancer pill that just about destroyed him. He's been off all medication for a few weeks now. He told me that he's going in the ring one more time to fight his Liver Cancer.

"This is the Title Fight" he said. "If I can't win the Championship Belt, that's it." 

He starts Immunotherapy treatment next week. Immunotherapy uses certain parts of a person’s immune system to fight diseases such as cancer.

His symptoms from the last round of drugs have been devastating. He feet and legs are swollen with fluid and the water pills haven't done much. He's had nurses come in three times a week to massage the water back up to his upper extremities and has to wear full length support stockings. So far it's working. He finally fits into his driving shoes and after months being grounded, can drive his cars. Today he say's he's going to take his Cobra out for a ride around Montecito. 

Chuck is so inspired about the new treatment, using his own cells to fight the Cancer cells, that he feels there is hope. He believes his own DNA will be better than all the drugs he's been given, to kill the tumors. So, to celebrate, he plans to customize and order an Alfa Romeo Stelvio, that comes out in 2018.

He's still waiting for his Alfa Romeo, 4C Spider, to be delivered from Italy. Chuck believes his Passionology and love for his fleet of cars is what's keeping his Spirit up and giving him the Will to keep fighting the Cancer.

He's a born fighter and Cancer, you're not going to take him down. 

Chuck believes that his personal relationship with Mike Love and the Beach Boys, has been the greatest accomplishment in his life. For over 50 years he's kept them as friends. Mike Love trusts Chuck completely and considers him an official Beach Boy.

More to come, stay tuned

Thursday, September 7, 2017

BB1 continues to take major blows in his fight with Liver Cancer, but, he keeps getting back up

Chuck has been fighting Cancer now for over 18 months.  He's had Thera Sphere Y90, a very evasive procedure that had side effects and it wound up doing nothing to stop the Cancer. He was put on a Liver Transplant list, only to be taken off because the cancer left the liver and lodged onto his rib. He proceeded to do an FDA approved drug that made him so sick and miserable he couldn't function. It cost $8,000. He quit and is fighting to get some of his money back. After all that he went without treatment or heavy drugs for a few weeks and began to feel more like himself.

The Doctor recommended he try Xeloda a drug that has worked for Breast and Lung Cancer but it has shown in clinical studies to have an effect of Cancer Tumor growth, but not necessarily for Liver Cancer. Another $8,000. But, he's a fighter and says he has to do what ever it takes. He's been on the new drug for 2 weeks. He's miserable. The side effects are as bad as the first drug. He honestly can't walk on his feet, because of the nerve pain. His lips are so dry they bleed and chunks of skin are falling off. His hands and feet have open sores and he has boils all over his body.  He's lost 7 lbs. Not good.  He sleeps in the afternoons, and his appetite isn't what it normally is. He has pain throughout his body and he cramps up so bad sometimes he can't move until it stops.  After being off for a week the Doctor will adjust the drug to see if that will lower the side effects.   Eventually Chuck hopes, they will get the drugs right so he can function.

Right now, his passion for his new Alfa Romeo 4C Spider, being built in Italy right now and his new Mclaren 570S Coup, is what's keeping his Spirits up.  Hopefully the cars will arrive by his 68th Birthday, November 23rd. So, right now it's one day at a time now.

Keep sending him your love and good vibrations.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

The latest update on Chuck, BB1's progress with his fight with liver Cancer.

At this point Chuck has decided to stop taking the Cancer drug. It made him deathly sick and made his life unmanageable.  He's felt a lot better going it without treatment. His last report showed that his numbers had actually improved, which is unusual. He believes it's his Superman Powers, that are fighting the Kryptonite. He also believes Passionology, is the secret to fighting his deadly opponent.

To counteract the negative effects of Cancer, he's continuing with his projects and not backing down.

Here is quote directly from Chuck.  "The 2018 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider will be my personal Exotic Supercar Track Toy. The other car is a Porsche 2017 911GT-3 Cup Car for the Track to be leased from my Company REEEEEL RACING to SPEEDVEGAS. My Company will supply Race Cars for SPEEDVEGAS every eighteen months or so. A Big 15th is coming OH YEA!   XXX/OOO  BB1." 

Besides that, he wants to recreate from scratch the original 1930s Maybelline truck just for the fun of it and cruise around with me.

These are lofty Aspirations, but, his DNA is loaded with Aspiration.  I will keep you abreast of his business plans, his health and his Passions.  

Keep the Good Vibrations coming his way.  We love you BB1.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

BB1, with his Indomitable Good Vibrations and Positive Spirit is standing up to his Cancer like a Champion

It's been two months since my last post on Chuck's blog. He's continued to stay true to his Superman persona and fight his vulnerability to Kryptonite, his "Full Fry."  

Chuck is a born fighter and like a true Warrior he has Passion and Positivety in his DNA. He doesn't back down. Where others might back down to the challenges of life and death. He's a Pit Bull and will fight to his last breath. In BB1's case he has lived the life of all good things for all. Now, it's the other side of the challenge. He's relying on his overwhelming inner strength and his Spiritual Mind over Matter. 

In the last month, his Doctor's at UCLA, told him that the TheraSphere they blasted his liver tumor with, didn't do what they expected or hoped it would.  They sent him home with some cancer pills and said, these might prolong your life. However, there is nothing more we can do. With 52 horrible side effects, Chuck suffered the tortures of the damned, yet never complained of terrible pain, water retention and nausea. He continued his passion for his cars and even ordered a new Alfa Romeo, for more Passionology. He coined a new word, PASSIONOLOGY and calls himself a PASSIONOLOGIST.  He believes that if he keeps his Passion ignited he can overcome any negative outcome.

In the last three days, his Spirit has been tested to the limit. He's had food poisoning like symptoms, extreme swelling, pain in his groin and feet and nausea. He had decided to stop the cancer pills and live his life. His Doctors want him to continue. He's at a crossroad. A life and death decision. But, through it all he's remaining positive and staying as active as he can. 

Continue holding him in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you posted as the RACE TO THE FINISH LINE CONTINUES.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Chuck isn't backing down to Cancer it will be a fight to the finish

"Here is my latest reaction to RACING TO THE FINISH? I plan on running several more Track Events.  

This is my only escape from reality of Liver Cancer and I will run every Race there is and I will win the Race at God's pace.

 The Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 2018 will be ordered this month or June. I have the right people involved for a special ordered 4C Spider at the executive level.

 Could have the car by the end of the year 2017 for a 2018 model. OH YEA!"

A born fighter, Chuck will continue to live his life the way he wants to. He is supposed to start his cancer fighting pills, but will wait until he returns home to Santa Barbara in June.

Keeping his mind off the Cancer and focused on his passion is his best defense. So far he feels pretty good and has his positive attitude that he feels is in his DNA.

Maybe he's Born with it.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Not expecting this news! The Thera Sphere never actually worked.

Chuck with his sister Nancy

Chuck found out this week that the cancer in his liver has spread and has taken hold on his ribs. He is now off the transplant list. He will start taking medication specially made up for his cancer. The prognosis is one year. Hopefully more. He leaves for Vegas tomorrow for 6 weeks of racing and he still plans to buy two new Alfa Romeos, as mentioned in my last post. He isn't giving up. This is devastating and unexpected news. We're all reeling from it. In shock denial. For someone as dynamic, charismatic and full of life at 67, it just seems impossible. There are miracles and if anyone can turn the tables, it's BB1.  More will be revealed and I'll keep you posted in a couple weeks when he goes back to UCLA.

Nancy's son, John Clark, Chuck and Jim Williams

Jim, Chuck and John

Friday, March 17, 2017

NEWS FLASH! Chuck, BB1 has been authorized to go on the Liver Transplant list

It's been a year since Chuck, BB1, was diagnosed with Liver Cancer. During that time, he did the TheraSphere Y90 treatment, that blasted the tumor with millions of radiation balls. He thought he was going in for a second treatment, when his Doctor informed him that the TheraSphere did it's job in the first treatment and it's made it possible for him to be put on the Liver Transplant list. It takes 2 to 3 years usually, before a liver becomes available, so we pray his liver numbers hold steady until that happens. 

Chuck will continue to live his life to the fullest. He has his eye on two new Alfa Romeos, a Red 4C Spider and a Red Stelvio Quadrifoglio, 505HP SUV.  He plans to spend as much time as possible at SpeedVegas, racing cars.  He will also spend time with his good friend, Mike Love, of the Beach Boys.

Proud to be a MonToy. BB1's Very Exclusive Car Club (Invitation Only)

Recently Mike did a concert in Santa Barbara at the Arlington Theater, where Chuck asked him to be an honorary member of his club, "The MonToys." Mike wore his new MonToy cap on stage during the performance to make it official. 

It's not the size of the person it's the size of the fight inside the person.

Keep Chuck in your prayers. He has a long way to go. Chuck has always known it was not going to be easy. He sizes up his enemy... the enemy is the Liver tumor...  Always a fighter he is up for the challenge. Chuck feels good, sounds great, has an amazing positive attitude.  That is what keeps him ahead of the race.