Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Chuck isn't backing down to Cancer it will be a fight to the finish

"Here is my latest reaction to RACING TO THE FINISH? I plan on running several more Track Events.  

This is my only escape from reality of Liver Cancer and I will run every Race there is and I will win the Race at God's pace.

 The Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 2018 will be ordered this month or June. I have the right people involved for a special ordered 4C Spider at the executive level.

 Could have the car by the end of the year 2017 for a 2018 model. OH YEA!"

A born fighter, Chuck will continue to live his life the way he wants to. He is supposed to start his cancer fighting pills, but will wait until he returns home to Santa Barbara in June.

Keeping his mind off the Cancer and focused on his passion is his best defense. So far he feels pretty good and has his positive attitude that he feels is in his DNA.

Maybe he's Born with it.